The Foundation is a television series that’s like Men in Black meets Supernatural, with humor, heart, and plenty of secrets. It follows Monet Caraway, a paranormal vlogger who has devoted her adult life to understanding the disappearance of her brother, August, as she stumbles into a (highly expendable) position at an organization which seeks to…
Category: Screenplays
“That None Should Perish” Script Sample
That None Should Perish is a television series that’s like Breaking Bad if it were set in Appalachia, with all the beauty and baggage that comes with the region. The show primarily follows Granny Jo as she finds out that opiate addiction runs a bit closer to home than she previously thought… and she decides…
“Old Flames” – Short Film
“Old Flames” is a short film following an elderly couple who find solace in one another; or, rather, in who they remind one another of. Below is an excerpt, or you can download the full script here: “Old Flames.” FADE IN: INT. NURSING HOME – RICHARD’S ROOM – NIGHT RICHARD (late seventies), a man with…
Rick and Morty Spec – “Flembark’s Night Off”
“Flembark’s Night Off” is a short speculative script for the show Rick and Morty, written with the intention of emulating a distinctive style and demonstrating creative flexibility. Below is an excerpt, or you can download the full script here: “Flembark’s Night Off.” INT. GARAGE LAB – EVENING RICK SANCHEZ fiddles with a weird sci-fi syringe,…